Poems Print

The police
The ambulance arrived
from nowhere
I cried and cried
I cried
I did not even see her go
They took her away after
all that we had gone through
I did not even see the ambulance go
she went
she has gone
to nowhere I know
I cried
I cried

I felt I would not see her again
she had gone
and who would get me there
to where?
she had gone.

No one told me
No one knew to tell me

I needed to know .......

but I got to visit her out there.

"We need toys in psychiatric hospitals so my sister can play, um when mum is well not there."

Jordan 8 years old NNAAMI member

(For some parents, a young person may not be able to express much when they are small but a toy can be the greatest vehicle for even a short discussion that bridges the gap from aloneness and madness… to reality)

Send a Donation now to the NNAAMI
'Toys and Hope' Appeal
P.O. Box 213
Glen Iris 3146
Toys With A Purpose

They have coped with this madness all the time
But when they visit an alien place
these kids need something to mediate
the time when mum's brain fades right out of it.
A toy can be comfort.
A toy can be real.
A toy can help a Kid,
speak out all that is unseen.

A link between worlds.
A link between illness.
An expression between you and me.

No parent should see
a child without joy.
No child should see
a parent without hope.

A toy can provide some link
to the hope only a child can see.
A toy can be a great for these kids in despair
and it's a really good way to share.

This Christmas share some hope.

Send a Donation now to the NNAAMI
'Toys and Hope' Appeal
P.O. Box 213
Glen Iris 3146

Help assist NNAAMI to provide baskets of toys in psychiatric inpatient family visiting rooms across Victoria, along with support and practical assistance to children and young people who have a mentally ill parent.